Santa Cruz
85611, 85621, 85624, 85628
Nogales, AZ
The phone number 520-216-5296 is located in or around Nogales, AZ. This landline number is registered with There have been 859 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 11 user comments, the latest received on June 10th, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 8 times. This number has a current spam score of 90%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentTo call back cause they say they work for Sentara health
2robo calls stating IRS filed a lawsuit against me. Called number and said no could be reached at this number. Scam
I received a call saying that this was :"Final notification that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you." I did not even bother to call back. To me, this is OBVIOUSLY a scam.
Said this was final call from ITS about a lawsuit being filed against me. Called twice within an hour.
Called me twice today on my cell number, a female robo voice left message to call their 520 number back. Total scam. 1. IRS does not call taxpayers, they mail notices. 2. Since they don't call, why would they call twice in one day (robo calling). 3. The IRS does not have my cell number. Pretty clear evidence of a scam.
spam call, if the IRS was filing a lawsuit you would be served with certified mail or in person just like any other lawsuit not from some random AZ robo number
I received a voicemail that the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me. I called the number and they confirmed. I told them that we don't owe the IRS and this was a scam number. They got very angry and I hung up the phone.
IRS scam
Called and left a robo-message to call back. Called back and it just rang forever.
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