Vonage Network
07630, 07646, 07649, 07652
Oradell, NJ
The phone number 201-975-8777 is located in or around New York, NY. This landline number is registered with Vonage Network. There have been 2195 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 38 user comments, the latest received on September 26th, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 27 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
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they said theyre my friend
“Invited you to Snapchat”
Be friends in snapchat
Invited me to Snapchat. I don't use Snapchat.
Trying to get me to sign on to Snapchat! Using a friends address as the “hook”. My friend didn’t send the request!!
invite to view a snap chat
Invited to Snapchat.
Lee Jackson (livn4luv73) invited you to Snapchat: Unsubscribe:
Just said life. That’s it
Snap chat invite. I don't use Snap chat.
It said that Animal Love. Shared a Spotlight Snap with me on Snapchat with a link
Invite to snapchat
They said that, "(my friend) "invited" me to snapchat and had a link. And an unsubcribe link." I luckily have her email on my iPad and we guessed that it was a spam. And the number that we got it from was New York and we don't live there so.
invited you to Snapchat:
Friend request on Snap Chat. Oddly enough, my work number got the same message from "KP" asking to add on Snap Chat. Definitely SPAM.
Just the name, "Jason"
Ask me to sign in to my Snapchat account see a snap form my husband
2nd attempt for me to sign into snapchat - via text This time they also are including a link to Unsubscribe (getting tricky)
Using my 14 year old son created a fake account on Snapchat
Don't know who this is but they keep inviting me to Snapchat I finally blocked them
Got invited twice to a Snapchat. I don't know who it is nor do I know this number they are now blocked
They claimed to be my daughter inviting me to join SnapChat
Invited to snap chat SCAM! Deleted and blocked the number!
Sign up for snap chat
someone who wasn’t in my contacts invited me to snapchat when i already have snapchat
it was telling me someone was inviting me to be their friend on Snapchat
Invite to snapchat
wanted to add to snap
Said they were s friend Wanted me to join snapchat
Add them in snapchat
Ask me to join Snapchat don't even have Snapchat
Invited me to join Snapchat
They said one of the kids at my church invited me to their Snapchat. They even had his name. I do not even have Snapchat.
Says it from someone I know, but it's not her number . Using fake name.
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