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The White House just announced that Lloyd Austin's body double has been released from the Walter Reed hospital.
Also, Many, Many Militant Members (100s of thousands) heavily armed, across the United States WILL Join with Hamas & Hezbollah in the US. They will go after all Traitors in the US!
The Iranian national told journalist Ben Bergquam in Ja***ba, California, that terrorist sleeper cells have likely already exploited the collapsed border and positioned themselves for attacks should a conflict break out with China or Iran.
“And it’s an easy equation to predict that there’s a wide probability that Hezbollah and Hamas, at some point, are going to attack sports stadiums. They’re going to attack colleges. They’re going to attack synagogues. They’re going to shoot up m*** gatherings if they’re given the order by Iran, if we go to war with Iran.”
Two minors were arrested and five illegal aliens apprehended following a dangerous chase on a Texas highway that ended when troopers executed a high-stakes immobilization tactic this week, according to authorities. If you are a illegal in the US you will be taken out!! Neighborhood Sweeps across the US will start with Heavily armed Militants/Snippers!
ISIS= Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
Clearly both the US and Israel were responsibility for the terrorist actions of Kerman, Iran, yesterday.
In a new audio, released by the official spokesman of ISIS regarding the issue of Palestine and the positions of ISIS regarding the recent war, there is no talk or information about the Kerman explosion. ISIS spokesman's statement:"Every Jew should be killed without distinction and regardless of where he is from, whether Israel or around the world. This is a religious war, not a national war."
Epstein's list also includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis, Glenn Dubin, Jean Luc Brunel, Al Gore,** JIMMY KIMMEL** and Kevin Spacey as suspects after being named in the court do***ents. Yes JIMMY, you are on the list. Commit Suicide before the worst!
Jimmy Kimmel Threatens To Sue Aaron Rodgers Over Epstein Remark. Jimmy, your name is on the list! Commit Suicide now! You will regret your actions!
An imam has been shot outside a mosque in Newark, New Jersey and is in critical condition. The United States can expect extreme retaliation in multiple parts of the US. Because of the stupidity of this attacker, many will suffer needlessly. Expect the terror alert level to be extreme in multiple US States.
Here are the visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's island who were confirmed:The best thing these Pedos can do is commit suicide! BELOW
Svetlana Glazunova, Teala Davies, Tiffany Gramza, Tom Hanks, Tom Pritzker, Tyler Grasham (deceased), Victor Salva, Wanda Sykes, Whoopi Goldberg
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis, Rihanna, Rita Wilson, Rob Reiner, Robert DeNiro, Robert Downey Jr., Rodney E. Slater, Ronald Burkle, Rudy Gobert, Sander Burger, Sarah Kellen (***istant), Sarah Silverman, Seth Green, S****ey Harrison, S****ey Lewis, Sophie Biddle-Hakim, Sophie Trudeau, Stephen Collins, Stephen Colbert, Steven Spielberg, Steven Tyler
Naomi Campbell, Naomi Watts, Natalie Blachon de Perrier, Nicole Junkermann, Olga Kurylenko, Oliver Sacks, Oprah, Orlando Bloom, Paris Hilton, Patton Oswatt, Paul Mellon, Paula Epstein (deceased), Paula Hala, Peter P. Marino, Pharrell Williams, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles, Quentin Tarantino, Rachel Maddow, Rainn Wilson, Ralph Ellison, Ray Barzana (pilot)
Larry Summers, Larry Visoski (pilot), Laura Z. W***erman, Lawrence M. Krauss, Linda Pinto, Lisa Summers, Lynn Forester de Rothchild, Madonna, Mandy Ellison (***istant), Mare Collins-Rector, Marina Abramovic, Mark Epstein, Mark Lloyd, Melinda Luntz, Meryl Streep, Mic****e Obama, Mic****e Wolf, Mikel Arteta, Miley Cyrus, Nadine Dorries
Jean-Michel Gathy, Jeffrey Jones (deceased), Jim Carrey, Jimmy Kimmel, Joe Biden, Joe Pagano, John Cusack, John Legend, John Podesta, John Travolta, Joy Behar, Juan Pablo Molyneux, Juliette Bryant, Justin Roiland, Justin Trudeau, Kathy Griffin, Katy Perry, Kelly Spam, Kevin Spacey, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kristy Rogers (deceased), Lady Gaga,
Ellen Spencer, Eminem, Emmy Tayler, Fleur Perry Lang, Francis X. Suarez, Freya Wissing, Gary Roxburgh (pilot), George Clooney, Ghislaine Maxwell, Glenn Dubin, Greg Holbert (deceased), Gwen Stefani, Gwendolyn Beck, Hank Coller (pilot), Heather Mann, Heidi Klum, Henry Rosovsky, Hillary Clinton, James Franco, James Gunn, Jay-Z, Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
Charles Barkley, Charlie Sheen, Charlize Theron, Chelsea Handler, Cher, Chris Tucker, Chris Wagner, Chrissy Teigen, Cyndi Lauper, Claire Hazel, Courteney Cox, Courtney Love, Demi Moore, Dan Schneider, David Koch, David Spade, David Yarovesky, Dolores Zorreguieta, Donovan Mitc****, Doug Band, Drew Barrymore, Ed Buck, Ed Tuttle, Ehud Barak, Ellen DeGeneres
Adam Perry Lang, Akon, Al Gore, Alan Dershowitz, Albert Pinto, Alee Baldwin, Allison Mack, Alyssa Rogers, Anderson Cooper, Andrea Mitrovich, Andres Pastrana, Angelina Jolie, Anthony Kiedis, Anthony Weiner, Barack Obama, Ben Affleck, Bernie Sanders, Beyonce, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bob Saget (deceased), Bruce Willis, Casey W***erman, Callum Hudson-Odoi, Celine Dion
BREAKING – Houthis destroy a US Navy warship in the Red Sea. Israeli newspaper Maariv: News of a Houthi attack on an American warship in the Red Sea. That's what the US gets for supporting the Filthy Jew Terrorist.
The US military is using lasers to let it rain: weather channel said openly that our weather conditions are already manipulated by the military!
Judging from the state of her horrifically burned upper body, melted face and the destroyed state of her car, odds are overwhelming she was one of the many Israelis who were killed by an Israeli Apache helicopter following the "Hannibal Directive."
Israel has had over two and half months to produce evidence that Hamas fighters (who filmed their invasion with GoPros) committed "m*** ****s" on October 7 yet all they have to show for it is one "grainy video" of a possibly half-disrobed woman who was burnt to a crisp after most likely being killed by an Israeli Apache helicopter. Filthy Jew Propaganda!
The Biden administration is importing millions of third world immigrants to live here illegally, and at same time telling them that white people are the source of their problems. How’s that going to work out in the end? Be fully prepared to defend the US! All Militant Groups are to prepare their Full Auto, RPGs, Grenades, White Phosphorus, and the BIG Stuff NOW!
Far-Left ‘Disinformation’ Operatives Tied To EU Investigation Of X. Their personal information is now being sent to Militant Members near all of their homes! Payback is a Bi*ch! Always remember Communist Leftists, those who spy are being spied on! Your actions will cost you dearly!! We know who you are! :)
Many heavily armed Militants will be taking care of illegals across the US very soon. 100s of thousands are preparing to deal with this issue across the United States. Anyone who tries to stop them will be taken out!
Some people are saying warning don’t answer the door with the migrant crisis down on the border, many reports of migrants coming across the border, and now knocking on the doors of people, asking for food and handouts, there is a surge of migrants coming over Eagle P*** in Texas. If they show up Shot them! If lookouts see them SHOT THEM!
Colorado Supreme Court launches actual INSURRECTION against America with election de-platforming of Donald J. Trump. And according to very violent groups, these Judges and anyone who acts or promotes these actions will pay a very horrible price!
These are the four Colorado Supreme Court justices who just voted to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. Richard L. Gabriel Melissa Hart Monica M. Márquez William W. Hood, III These Anti Americans have now been put on Violent Groups lists! According to them, these S***bags will not be able to hide!
Chinese President Xi has already informed Biden that Beijing will reunify (start a military operation against) Taiwan with mainland China, but the timing has not yet been decided, according to US Officials - NBC reported. This means US will be at war with China soon!
The State of Illinois has announced that illegal aliens in the United States will be eligible for $9,000 in housing benefits. This is quite illegal, as illegal aliens are not eligible for housing benefits in the United States.
Horrific scenes after Israelis drive over & crush tents with bulldozers in the yard of Kamal Adwan Hospital, killing all who were sleeping inside. Jews globally will pay horrifically!!
Israeli bulldozers buried alive dozens of displaced, sick, and wounded people in and around hospital in northern. This will cause more brutal action against Filthy Jews in the US and many Filthy NATO Countries. All cards are now on the TABLE!! G-d will not protect these Filthy, Rotten, Evil, Genocidal Jews.
A hacker group called "Forces of Light" announced an attack on Israel's military, urban and food service systems. Many horrifying attacks by many groups in the US, UK, France, Germany, Canada, and other NATO countries are coming soon! You will not be prepared enough for what is to come! Civilian, Military, and Governments WILL BE HIT!! We are everywhere!!
A little reminder of when "Israeli" settlers celebrated the burning alive of the Palestinian baby Ali Dawabsheh back in 2015. They stabbed a photo of a murdered boy while dancing and singing. Filthy Jews even in the US WILL PAY!!
The Filthy, Israeli army is responsible for the largest number of dead on October 7th.
Members of the Israeli military regarding October 7th: "An Israeli Apache helicopter fired on Kibbutz Be'eri". The testimony states that an Israeli Apache helicopter fired on Kibbutz Be'eri, shocking witnesses. "And suddenly you see a helicopter that fires into the kibbutz.I don't get it", "A tank fires a s**** into a house".
The greatest terrorism is what America is doing with its fighters, missiles, and alliances, killing children, women, civilians, and others, and targeting civilian objects. America is terrorism itself, and it is the one that provokes wars and goes to war without any legitimacy. Jews & Americans will PAY!
Lone actor attacks in the United States is the lest thing US Citizens should be worried about. Many Hamas and Hezbollah fighters are now in the US thanks to the open boarders. These are the real problem and will cause the largest and most horrific attacks that the US has ever seen! The FBI needs to be better with speaking the real truth!
FRANCE – Food Inflation by the Dirty Elites: Farmers are carrying out strong actions in supermarkets in Agen to denounce the abusive margins of large-scale distribution and unremunerative prices for producers. The same reaction will happen in the US but with heavily Armed backup incase law enforcement get any ideas. Militant Snippers will be out!!
Some examples of abusive margins from supermarkets: -Apples purchased for €0.35/kg from producers are sold for €3.20 to consumers (+914%) -6 eggs bought for €0.57 are sold for €2.67 (+468%) -Potatoes purchased at €0.40/kg are sold for €2.60 (+650%) -Organic goat's milk purchased for €0.90/L is sold for €4.55 at Biocoop (+505%)
Honolulu Civil Beat reported that staff members received the email, which claimed explosives had been placed in Filthy synagogues across the state. Of course those who are really doing this or have already done this won't make it known! These fighters have even bigger retaliatory strikes coming for the US!
Instantly downloadable encrypted JPEG files of pizza costing upwards of $3,000-$9,000 and children’s overalls as pricey as $35,000 are among some of the questionable items that caught the attention of online investigators.
The Etsy online marketplace is being scrutinized after internet users came across bizarrely expensive pizza image files and other items, leading many to suspect the site could be helping facilitate an underground child pornography ring.
Etsy Accused of Facilitating Child Pornography Ring Via Sales of Expensive ‘Pizza’ JPEG Files
Filthy Israel - “Israel used American-made white phosphorus bombs in attack in southern Lebanon, according to Washington Post report”. The Filthy Americans WILL see attacks on US Mainland never seen before in any country. "When the lights go out in the cities"!
Meanwhile in France: In the footage taken by a citizen you see the Chemtrails Poison patrol. (These Chemtrails look like they were made to darken the sun). Plans that are doing this now face being shot down even in the US. There are weapons in the US now in Militant Groups hands that can take these plans down!!
Communist Leftists Vaccinated Piers Morgan Catches Covid — Blames Anti-Vaxxers! Numerous studies have shown that not only is the vaccine ineffective, but individuals who took the Covid shots were more likely than unvaccinated individuals to be reinfected with Covid. Go ahead, take more shots! The world will be better off without Leftists in it!! :)
White Lung Syndrome is in the Pfizer D o c u m e n t page 32 (many of us have this full d o c u m e n t) as a side effect of their Covid Vaccine! If you were stupid enough to get any Covid Vaccines then you will get what you deserve!! :)
White Lung Syndrome is in the Pfizer Do***ent page 32 (many of us have this full do***ent) as a side effect of their Covid Vaccine! If you were stupid enough to get any Covid Vaccines then you will get what you deserve!! :)
US-Russian Tensions: Four Su-35S fighters escorted Russian president Putin's plane and disabled the ability of US Navy's USS Dwight Eisenhower aircraft carrier to launch aircraft into the Persian Gulf by electromagnetically jamming its radars, causing a 24-hour paralysis. Wait till the US sees what happens on their mainland! Attacks from within coming! :)
The US must choose whether to attack Yemen or not, US public demand to attack Yemen is high, but Americans have forgotten the word "Petrodollar", which guarantees food on their plates. Yemenis have nothing to lose and the destruction of oil fields would be the end of the petrodollar and American Filth will suffer greatly!
Tapes of high-raking officials raping children and committing other horrific crimes. Sara claims that the footage shows the Obamas having s e x with the victims - multiple times! These tapes are now in the hands of many people and they will go public in every country!!
Tapes of high-raking officials raping children and committing other horrific crimes. Sara claims that the footage shows the Obamas having *** with the victims - multiple times! These tapes are now in the hands of many people and they will go public in every country!!
Big Brother Biden surveils conservatives and puts them on a secret government watchlist. That's ok because those who are watching are also being watched even at their homes!! :) Yes, you know who you are and so do we!! No need for Militant Groups to go to your buildings anymore. They can go right to your HOMES!! :)
J6 Videos: Speaker Johnson To Blur Faces Of Undercover Feds. Not only will these faces made public but also their home addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers, and much more! Thanks to informants and w h i s t l e b l o w e r s/Hackers. This will be put on Web 3.0 so no agency can take it down and their will be no way to trace the information that is posted!
Ansarullah Yemen: We could close the strategic Bab al-Mandab Strait in response to US threats to form a naval task force for operations in the Red Sea. This plus on US Mainland ships, oil infrastructure, and oil refineries will Filthy US to its knees. If more is needed done then attacks on other infrastructure WILL happen across the US!!!! :)
Congress P a s s e s 'Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism' Bill. Very dangerous for free speech rights and where this will lead to further down the road…well it’s not going to be pretty. It will now also be very dangerous for those who voted in favor of this Anti-American bill. We now have Web 3.0 which will counter act this! Can't be taken down, can't be traced!
Congress P***es 'Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism' Bill. Very dangerous for free speech rights and where this will lead to further down the road…well it’s not going to be pretty. It will now also be very dangerous for those who voted in favor of this Anti-American bill. We now have Web 3.0 which will counter act this! Can't be taken down, can't be traced!
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy seized two ships carrying smuggled fuel with a volume of approximately four and a half million liters in the south of Bomosi Island! :) US Ships in US Ports & Waters will now be targets! This also includes Military Ships! US will see their destruction!! :)
Top Doctors Beg UK Parliament To ‘Remove All Covid Vaccines From Market’ Now!
Iranian expert: In the event of war, we can mobilize 2 million men in less than a month and about 1.5 million militias will be directly involved in the war across West Asia and Inside the US!
Happening Now: Large number of migrants, mostly 'Chinese men' crossing illegally through open gaps on the border wall in Ja***ba Hot Springs, California. US mainland war will start soon! Primary target will be the US Government and Agencies. Their homes across the US are bullseyes!
Globalist Crack Down on Heroes for Exposing COVID Jab Death Count! Now Is The Time for ALL Whistle****ers to Emerge! Many thanks to all who will be coming forward around the globe. Not only for this exposure but also the exposure of Cl***ified Government Info. soon to hit Web 3.0 and not be able to be taken down by ANY Government or Agency!!
The paper is based on 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A definite causal link is shown between many peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts. The authors quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which is exceedingly large in the most elderly. s sociated-mortality-in-the-Southern-Hemisphere/
The paper is based on 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A definite causal link is shown between many peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts. The authors quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which is exceedingly large in the most elderly.***ociated-mortality-in-the-Southern-Hemisphere/
The new, so called ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumoniae also termed “white lung syndrome” is caused by the covid vaccines as revealed by Pfizer themselves. Look at page 37 of Pfizer’s Adverse Events Report. Many people will suffer many things as listed in their d o c u m e n t!
The new, so called ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumoniae also termed “white lung syndrome” is caused by the covid vaccines as revealed by Pfizer themselves. Look at page 37 of Pfizer’s Adverse Events Report. Many people will suffer many issues as listed in this do***ent!
As the US Treasury Runs Out of Creditors, Its Options Dwindle. UAE officially stops using dollar for oil trades. This means the US Stock Market is all fake and only suckers and fools invest! Also, NYT: Israel Had Hamas's Attack Plan For Over a Year.
Russia: The Supreme Court recognized the international public LGBT movement as an extremist organization and banned it. The same needs to be done in the US and ALL NATO Nations. They are a EVIL, Rotten, Child Molesting Group that will be brought down!!
A US Navy medical officer discovers heart problems linked to the COVAX coronavirus vaccines. The numbers are amazing: The incidence of myocarditis increased by 151%. The incidence of ischemic heart disease increased by 69%. The incidence of cardiopulmonary failure increased by 62%. The incidence of heart failure increased by 973%.
HUGE LEAKE – The Artificial intelligence (AI) from Google leaked that the Moon landing by NASA/US was fake. They were never there! This should be no surprise to those with at least a few brain cells!
"Israeli Dr. Moshe Harel was convicted of harvesting the organs from Palestinians. Beneficiaries, mainly Israelis, would pay up to 100,000 euros for the organs to transplant into their bodies."
The S&P 500 will jump to a new record high of 5,000 next year, RBC says, joining bullish outlooks on 2024. Total BS just like the whole stock market!! Do Not be fooled and invest your money in anything other than the Rigged Stock Market. China financial giant collapses and Javier Milei (Elected By the CIA) just DOOMED Argentina to financial collapse by rejecting BRICS and embracing the DOLLAR.
The virus BS is ramping up again in China. So get ready for a huge vaccine and mask push in the coming months!
Taiwan's government is ramping up notices at airports as a pneumonia outbreak spreads in China, where officials have reported multiple respiratory illnesses and a prevailing number of child patients.
Pathogens labeled ‘HIV’ and ‘Ebola’ found inside secret, illegal Chinese-owned biolab in California - NEW YORK POST (
The Israeli regime's HASBARA propaganda has been DEBUNKED as lies in contrast to Palestinian social media influencers during the inhumane war against civilians in the Gaza Strip.
Have you noticed that many of this year's "Black Friday" discount specials are the same price as the REGULAR price last year? Talk about inflation! You can thank the Communist Democratic Party who will soon be no more! Major Sh*it about to happen to them across the US!
A surveillance program Data ****ytical Services (DAS) has for more than a decade allowed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to mine the details of Americans’ calls. Law Enforcement dosen't know they are being monitored by Militant Groups at their home and work! Those who spy are being spied on! They know where you live, FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, and IRS Agents!
"IDF DECIDES TO GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE AND B L O W UP THE UNDERGROUND BOMB SHELTER & TUNNEL BUILT BUY ISRAEL IN THE 1880s This morning IDF forces destroyed the underground infrastructures at the Al Shifa Hospital without convincing the World it was part of a Hamas command center"
"IDF DECIDES TO GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE AND **** UP THE UNDERGROUND BOMB SHELTER & TUNNEL BUILT BUY ISRAEL IN THE 1880s. This morning IDF forces destroyed the underground infrastructures at the Al Shifa Hospital without convincing the World it was part of a Hamas command center".
Conflicting videos cast doubt on Israel’s claim that Al-Shifa hospital is Hamas’ main HQ
LEAKED – Fox News & the Filthy Israeli Terrorist Army spreading FAKE NEWS Filthy Israeli army had arrested a Hamas militant but the end of the clip was accidentally revealed by the chased person getting dressed with the Israeli army.
All four international border crossings between the United States and Canada in Western New York were closed Wednesday due to a “vehicle explosion” at the Rainbow Bridge. This is a go ahead for all cells in the US and Canada to start their attack. Expect explosions on a much larger scale all over the US! War has begun on the US and the Filthy Jews/Americans!!
Stripped, beaten and blindfolded: New research reveals ongoing violence and abuse of Palestinian children detained by the Filthy Israeli Military. Bloodshed will come to Jews globally very soon. The US Jews a the Prime Target!
Israeli female soldiers making fun of the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip - extremely disgusting this clown army! If they only knew what they will be facing, they would be crying and screaming! The worst is yet to come for Filthy Israel and Filthy Jews World Wide!
South Africa’s parliament votes (248 vs 91) to close the Filthy Israeli emb***y in South Africa, send the Filthy Israeli Jew amb***ador home, and suspend diplomatic relations.
American mercenaries dressed in Israeli army uniforms gathered before being sent to Gaza, as their commander put it, to completely burn the city. As previously noted, American and European mercenaries, including outright Nazis and other representatives of extreme Left-wing views, arrive in Israel from Ukraine, where they previously fought." US Mainland will be attacked because of this!!!!
The Pentagon needs more soldiers to die for Filthy Israel and war in the Middle East and Israeli children's choir sings new song celebrating genocide in Gaza, little do they know what is to come of them!!!!
B O M B S H E L L – Israel: It’s now been confirmed via a police investigation that this footage from October 7 Nova Festival showed IDF Apache helicopters killed the majority of civilians.
Israel's operation against Gaza is essentially a bomb-and-pillage operation to slaughter every human being standing in the way of access to the RICHES in natural gas and oil that have been found beneath the Gaza Strip. Many Jews, Their stores, buildings, homes, Neighborhoods will be attacked and destroyed in the US.
Biden advisors scream at press to leave the room after Xi’s statement. "After today, would you still refer to President Xi as a dictator?" asks a reporter. "Look, he is. He's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that's based on a form of government totally different than ours," says Pres. Biden.
For all the screeching about Trump allegedly destroying diplomatic relationships, I don't recall him ever doing something so wildly boneheaded as ****ing up a summit with China by calling President Xi a "dictator," while Xi was still physically present in the US attending events! Blinken looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole when Biden said Xi is a dictator.
Hamas is in many locations in the United States. Filthy Israel is bombing hospitals & Innocent Civilians in Gaza that are supposably hiding Hamas then the US should bomb entire areas in the US where Hamas is, including hi-rise buildings. Brainless US citizens need to think long and hard about the Genocide that the Filthy Jews are committing in Gaza. Cells across the US will counter attack soon!
Sky News correspondent: “There is nothing to confirm the Israeli army’s story regarding the discovery of military equipment inside Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.”
US special forces carried out an unsuccessful operation in the Gaza Strip. The team was sent to search for hostages but was ambushed by the Al Q***am Brigades. All US soldiers died.
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