95318, 95389
Yosemite, CA
The phone number 209-375-4669 is located in or around Merced, CA. This landline number is registered with Onvoy. There have been 534 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 18 user comments, the latest received on January 17th, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 14 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentSent an aerial photo of my property asking if it was mine
They asked if a screen shot of a location was my property
They just sent a Text Message with a picture of my property. Asking if this was my house. Not sure why they are asking.
how do this criminal got personal information from?
Sent an aerial shot of a house and asked if it was mine. Very strange.
Texted an aerial photo of a group of houses and asked if this was my house. I reported, deleted and blocked.
Sent a google map shot of my home and asked if that was my house
Sent me a google maps screengrab of my home and asked "Is this your house?"
Sent pic of home asking if it was mine
Sent an aerial picture of a home. I deleted the text and reported as junk. Super creepy!!
Sent text message with a arial pic asking if this is my house. i deleted and reported as junk.
Texted me a google satellite photo of my home, what a sucker if only he knew. He writes "Is this your house?". Friends, I encourage you to embrace your 2nd amendment rights, practice with and own a fire arm in each of your homes. Do not be intimidated by the likes of a gremlin like this. Be above the devils.
Sent a photo of home asking if it was my home.
asked me if this was my house with a picture of it. I immediately blocked
Also received a photo of my house and asked if I owned it. Does anyone know what's going on? It's rather unsettling.
also texted me a picture of my house
Also texted me a picture of a house asking if I owned it
texted me a picture of a house asking if it was mine
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