84713, 84731
Beaver, UT
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About an order placed online with They use a local area code number for California in their color ID and left a Utah phone number on the voicemail
Spam. Transcription: “Hi this is Eliza and I am your personal shopper without Adorama I have some quick questions about the order you just placed you can reach me at 435-418-4078 again this is Eliza and my number is 435-418-4078 I will also be sending you an email and trying to call you again in the next day or so I look forward to connecting with you…”
“...from Santa Clara California if however you wish to cancel your order or have not made this transaction for the ——— in kindly call us to authorize or dispute the transaction on 435-418-7847 I repeat call us on 435-418-7847
As I just described on the voicemail it mentioned “ if you would like to cancel this transaction... call back at l” and repeated its number. When I called it rang weird, it also said error while I was waiting then I just hung up.
to dispute transactions call this number
“...from Santa Clara California if however you wish to cancel your order or have not made this transaction for the ——— in kindly call us to authorize or dispute the transaction on 435-418-7847 I repeat call us on 435-418-7847
Unsolicited sales call
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