Maricopa, Yavapai, Pinal
85001, 85002, 85003, 85004
Phoenix, AZ
The phone number 480-237-2021 is located in or around Phoenix, AZ. This landline number is registered with Verizon. There have been 902 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 10 user comments, the latest received on March 3rd, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 9 times. This number has a current spam score of 90%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentThis is Jose Oseguera from the escort service you spoke to a few of my girls and all you did was waste their time like my business is a game real simple either you have a fine to pay for this issue or we involve your family in a bad way call me to explain and work this out peacefully. $:&:&
This is Jose Oseguera from the escort service you spoke to a few of my girls and all you did was waste their time like my business is a game real simple either you have a fine to pay for this issue or we involve your family in a bad way call me to explain and work this out peacefully
They threatened me and my family, they requested I pay them 3000 to resolve the problem
Attempted threatening me and family if didn't pay 3000. I told them to **** off and blocked them.
1/2] This is Jose from the escort service you spoke to a few of my girls and all you did was waste their time like my business is a g ame real simple either you pay [2/2] 3000 for this issue or we involve your family in a bad way call me to explain and work this out peacefully. '
*** pimp
Scam. Call them a ***** if they text you.
[1/2] This is Jose from the escort service you spoke to a few of my girls and all you did was waste their time like my business is a g ame real simple either you pay [2/2] 3000 for this issue or we involve your family in a bad way call me to explain and work this out peacefully. '
They said pay me money or I kill you and your family
That’s a scammer threat people to pay them money
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