98938, 98944
Sunnyside, WA
The phone number 509-790-6983 is located in or around Yakima, WA. This landline number is registered with Onvoy. There have been 749 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 10 user comments, the latest received on March 14th, 2023 and it has been marked as spam 9 times. This number has a current spam score of 80%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentThe Message read as follow "Hey! Plz call me (name), I'm trying to reach you about work. Call (509) 790 4014 before 5pm, Fuentes
Hello! Just following up on the ring repair we did for you. How is it looking? :) And they actually did know which ring. But didn't respond when I said "who is this"
he was very mean and yelling at me that my package has been there for 3 month
Left a voicemail. No company/business name given. Doesn’t refer to me by my name. Caller has a “I’m your friend. You know me” tone in his voice. Tells me to call back so he can help reduce or eliminate my tax burden. Emphasized the importance of my tax info in front of me when I call back
Not much because the Robokiller app caught it before it rang a second time. All they said was my name but the Robokiller app responses were priceless they hung up after about 15 seconds tee talking to the app. Only reason I know this is because the app records it in voicemail form and it is quit funny.
Call non stop. Have no idea who they are and no one is on the line.
Calls a lot, never someone there
They don't say who they are. They automatically have your name and number. I called back out of curiosity. When the lady picked up, she answered with saying my name. Claimed to be an auto insurance agency handing out free quotes. I asked multiple times to remove my information and the response was telling me my email to me. I asked again and hung up. I blocked the number.
Is the number of the first cousin that my ex has been ****ing since he was a teen . ****ing Tiffany mcwilliams and justin mcwilliams
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