96001, 96002, 96003, 96019
Redding, CA
The phone number 530-255-4765 is located in or around Redding, CA. This landline number is registered with There have been 744 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 14 user comments, the latest received on January 16th, 2023 and it has been marked as spam 12 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentI hung up sounded like fraud
They claim to be a company donating $10,000. And I was lucky winner. But needs my ID to make sure who I am first.
I received a text stating it was from "Peace of mind" and I was a winner of $10,000...
They refused to say anything. Just heard background noises. Number is from California. They called me at 10:36 am
Ur gay
Answered, no one said anything then hung up
They have called me nonstop and today I made the fatal mistake to answer. I listened to his spill but when he couldn’t spell California and got mad that I said I wasn’t interested he became angry and vulgar.
The person says he is from a Loan company called “loan capital” to try and get information from me. He got mad at me because he couldn’t get what he wanted so he Told me to go f?? and so many bad words came from his mouth. I searched his number and the phone is registered to Loan Capital.. there is no other names and no full address it only says it’s from Redding
Answered hello. The man said hello. Is “my name” there. This is her. Then the caller said “I want you Pu$$y!!”
This guy told me that I had to fill out a paper for him to stop calling me and after I kept telling him to stop calling me over and over. I told him I would pray for me and starting praying then I told him to stop calling he said F*^%$ you
Scam callers from another country. They are offering a loan in another person's name. According to them, if I pay the loan fees, they will send the money to me and the other person will have to pay the loan.
spam call
Spamm you to spam loan through them
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