Marblehead, OH
The phone number 567-252-8512 is located in or around Toledo, OH. This landline number is registered with There have been 86 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 16 user comments, the latest received on March 14th, 2014 and it has been marked as spam 2 times. This number has a current spam score of 20%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Commenti am happy to see that my computer was in safe hands, #thankyou GMT!
This is response to your request to follow up on the work you and your company did on my computer earlier this week. I haven't used it enough yet to be able to tell much difference, but it does seem to be somewhat better. I have all of the notes that I took while on the phone with you. As time goes by I will keep in mind about the work you did and will send you another email to serve as a progress report at a later date. Thank you very much for what you did do so far and I look forward to working with you in the future if/as the need arises...
you worked on me computer in January and since then my computer has not given me any problems, good job.
the protection that you guys gave is definitely working way better than norton 360. I will renew it when it expires in October and I am going to purchase a new PC soon so i will purchase your anti virus for my new PC as well.
i am going to recommend all my friends to call you guys if they have any problems with their computers, good job!
I am satisfied with your work. Thank you for your help
had to spend hours with the technician but it was worth it, now my computer is working fine and those creepy pop ups no longer appear.
Thank you guys for helping me with my email problem, its appreciated.
Nice work done by GMT. Thank you Frank for you adequate guidance and support.
Your service was excellent! Thank you Rex, cheers!
Sex line
Awesome service and a customer care service unlike other. Highly recommended!
I appreciate your patience and dedication. Thank you global tech
Thank you for your help and support, cheers!
Thank you Peter for helping me out. I really look to our future endeavours.
thank you for calling me! I really needed your help
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