Fisk, MO
The phone number 573-362-3054 is located in or around Poplar Bluff, MO. This landline number is registered with Onvoy. There have been 747 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 18 user comments, the latest received on July 21st, 2022 and it has been marked as spam 11 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Comment“Hello, this number is in my address book, can I know who you are?” …it’s a reaching question so you answer. DON’T ANSWER
“Hello, this number is in my address book, can I know who you are?” ….this line is great for an answer from an individual and once you answer….DON’T ANSWER
Asked "How are you?"
Asking if I received the watch they sent.
Text message : How have you been recently?
About missouri elections and presidental elections on biden/trump. Called me at 833pm heavy indian accent and only wanted to know if i was voting Republican or Democrat but no third option.
"Are you all right?"
Left a voicemail with nothing on it
Said it was “a final state warning, 2 negative incidents on my driving file, 1 day left to remove” and sent a link
I received a call from 573-362-3054 and answered "hello"but there was no reply.
Getting calls from this number no message-never will answer. Believe it is a debt collector looking for a Chrisotpher J. have no idea who this is and have never been and my phone number which is under my initials. They were calling from another state, that stopped and now this has started.
I just got a call from this number. Normally I don't answer numbers I don't recognize but I am expecting a call from a service representative so I answered. The caller identified herself and said she was with Data Collection something or other, and asked for a member of my family whose number is not close to mine. When I indicated that this number did not belong to that person, she immediately ended the call.
ask me about if I was registered to vote and what county, if I worked for any election campaign, if I was a reporter.
I've received at least 5 calls from this number-- 1-573-362-3054-- in the last 2 weeks. When I answer the call I get one beep, similar to a fax machine noise, then nothing. I returned the call and the message at this number says they are a research company who want to ask me questions that could affect manufacturing? I am on the Do No Call List
Called and after I said hello twice they immediately hung up. No word or anything just hung up.
They called my cell phone and wanted me to take a survey. I asked how he got my cell phone number and he said he didn't know where the numbers come from - he just calls them.
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