Maricopa, Yavapai, Pinal
85001, 85002, 85003, 85004
Phoenix, AZ
The phone number 602-844-8480 is located in or around Phoenix, AZ. This landline number is registered with Onvoy. There have been 125 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 4 user comments, the latest received on February 6th, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 4 times. This number has a current spam score of 40%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentTax liens, bank levies etc... they were providing help and cash to pay for these alleged levies, liens, several times a day (15 0r more) from different phone numbers
The message was to notify you of pending tax liens and bank levies you can make arrangements to stop lanes and levies using the new federal economic recovery policy if you do this means you will not need to pay back your overdue taxes they will be placed in a noncollectible status and dismissed after your request is processed to proceed please call us at 602-844-8480 now this call
I am so tired of answering calls from people who are trying to sell me something or they are trying to scam me I run to get the phone while they are interrupting me from my life and causing me problems for nothing they should not be allowed to har*** people on their personal phone without permission and why are they not getting prosecuted for this why is our government not protecting us from this what are they doing to protect their citizens
Came up as potential spam on my caller ID, has called multiple times
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