Marquette Adams Telephone
Brooks, WI
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Leave a CommentEmi confirmed Lorraine dubuc sign the complaint paper, it looks like dictator WEASEL Dave is a puppet and as confirmed in the last gm will be stepping down next month but then who knows he is such a liar just like the rest of his minion clubs LOL
Great ????
I spoke with Emi earlier today,two boys parents accused by sunshine board of directors who played with her kids got involved and one of them is a legal advisor for a law firm in Vancouver downtown.They will be filling complaints and who knows what else against board of the directors.Emi provided them with all the board members info already.
Dictator Dave weasel Foulds again ????????????????
Hahaha Board of directors sent a letter to Jerry & Emi unit # 27 about a broken fence that was damaged by their boys, the fence that was broken for years but now got more damaged bunch of crap by dictator Dave and his minions again ????
So from what I am hearing investigators got corruption charges against Mary Lou ????
Not only there is a record of foulds liyin to police,there is a record of cops lying too All will be revieled soon ????
So the below post turned out to be true,and now few more sunshine coop members are willing to go on the record and testify against David Foulds ???? 2022-07-24The news is Jerry and EMI are taking Fould's to court,first case at the end of August after that 4 more cases They will drag him through the legal system for the next few years along with Mary Lou & Lorraine ????
The harr***ment is ridiculous Good thing more and more people got involved since POLICE pretends like nothing is happening, foulds days as a co-op member are numbered,he should be kicked out ????
Harr***ing and abusing kids and this douch is a coach ?!? ????
Should be ashamed as a baseball coach ????
Agreed he should be OUT OF COOP ????
He should be not only kicked out of the board but coop also,in meantime somebody should let little Dave know that his daughters were recorded over the weekend by evi.
Members are contacting police and reporting disgraceful dictator Dave,letter is going around the co-op to kick him off the board for abuse ????
Just yesterday I caught 3 people speeding in our co-op,Krystal - Jordans ex,Twyla and Kelly..what is the point of having speed limit signs ? Nobody follows the rules anyways and on another note why is dictator Dave picking up pinecones outside our co-op ? What is the point ? ????????????
Good for Foulds,he is a an ***hole for what his doing to member # 27 family, the lowest of the low a s***????
More investigations were launched against Foulds
Jerry and Emi Good luck in court today,we will be praying for you ????????????
Agreed..more silly rules but what do you expect when you have people like Lorraine on the board ? Lying to police WOW ????
From what I am hearing Propane tank sale was illegal and suspicious activity JOKE Lorraine and the board once again proved their personal agenda toward Jerry & his family ????
New level of stupidity for sure ???? Lorraine is Sunshine's treasure ????????????
We didn't go to the meeting either , no point Not moving to the new place anyways And hate knowing that our privacy here is being violated every single day but what do you expect when you got dictator Dave involved ????
If you didn't not go to the meeting last night,it was a complete waste of time Land Trust comes out with more and more excuses and the whole project is a joke In meantime dictator Dave didn't want to talk about anything else,weird What about members being spied by RCMP and board ? Nada ????
I just spoke to another member who mentioned that he and his wife are tired of all the bull**** in this co-op and decided not to go to the gm tonight, his words exactly " waste of F**king time " and " who F**king cares what Dave's and his minions got to say "
we won't be going waste of time in our opinion, plus who wants to see dictator Dave and crazy Lorraine they've done enough propaganda in this place
Not worth it ????
So land trust is coming on Wednesday to our GM to give us more excuses about delays plus plans are keep changing all the time,I am not wasting my time listening to more BS ????
Haven't seen dictator weasel Dave since we got back, hiding ? Btw why is Theresa watering gr*** in front of the co-op No more volunteers ????
Nobody cares about Foulds,I won't go to the GM what is the point ? Not interested in listening to another delay by land trust and more BS by board????
Had a chance to speak with emi and Jerry last night no board minutes for 13 months But the board wants Jerry to follow all the rules when they are breaking them themselves ???? where is the logic ? ????
The news is police will learn very soon about the misconduct they committed..magic number is 73 so far ????
Evi recording kids now what ???? this place is hopeless.good thing we moved out long time ago ????
Evelyn k. # 34 member was recording kids yesterday in the playground,this was the third time it happened,the case was reported to Surrey RCMP
A member video recorded David foulds & Hyacinth conversation earlier today Foulds is definitely losing it ????
Holy **** ????
A member of sunshine co-op played to me a 40 seconds audio recording conversation between David Foulds and Donna McLeod " They got more evidence and it will go to trail, don't worry you don't have to testify and nobody will find out about listening devices in your unit " ???????????????????????? WOW
yes he will be charged along few other people, it's all a captured operation
It will come out for sure..I wonder what happens to Graham ? Will he be charged criminally ?
Spoke with Donna few months ago,she confirmed that cops were at her place installing stuff ???????????? she said " the board wanted Jerry to be gone in March now all these stuff will come out at some point and she doesn't know how to deal with it "
Donna should be ashamed but she won't.. Hopeless ????
To the Weenie person who had been posting " Fake news" we got you,took a while but we tracked you down.when the time is right we will be realeasing your info.ENJOY it while it lasts ????
???? correct ????
Criminal with badges
Good thing the story is already being investigated out of RCMP hands 😉
Cops are corrupted especially in surrey
+1(604)584-2771 UNKNOWN TERRORIST 💀 Party on Adams County, Wisconsin 💀 ♻ It's Official: Dissemination of Propaganda ♻ ☑ FAKE NEWS #Crimestoppers 🇺🇸 2022
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