Saint Clair
64724, 64763
Appleton City, MO
The phone number 660-207-1553 is located in or around Kansas City, MO. This landline number is registered with There have been 104 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 2 user comments, the latest received on October 27th, 2021 and it has been marked as spam 2 times. This number has a current spam score of 20%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Commentthis number has called my home number my cell number and called me by name. full name. freaking me out just a bit. and its everyday back to back multiple times a day on both my landline and cell number it comes up wiith appleton city mo and its a man that is calling and he sounds like he is trying to have a foreign accent but he is not very good at his accent, He is starting to really **** me off and creep me out because he always ask for me. now if this number has had so many complaints then why hasnt someone confronted this person i wish i had an address for them i would say something to them and bring the police with me. creeper and stalker. do something about this number and this person please.,
this number has called my home number my cell number and called me by name. full name. freaking me out just a bit. and its everyday back to back multiple times a day on both my landline and cell number it comes up wiith appleton city mo and its a man that is calling and he sounds like he is trying to have a foreign accent but he is not very good at his accent, He is starting to really **** me off and creep me out because he always ask for me. now if this number has had so many complaints then why hasnt someone confronted this person i wish i had an address for them i would say something to them and bring the police with me. creeper and stalker. do something about this number and this person please.,
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