07008, 07064
Carteret, NJ
The phone number 732-802-1448 is located in or around New York, NY. This landline number is registered with Onvoy. There have been 713 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 3 user comments, the latest received on May 8th, 2023 and it has been marked as spam 2 times. This number has a current spam score of 20%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentThreatened to hurt my family. Also had my relatives info, my address, and my full name. Was extermemly scared , but thankfully, I read about this on the web and felt so much relief afterwards. I gave him 6500, I was so scared, it seemed so real, especially when he has all my faimly's info.
I am Rudy Gonzalez, owner and representative of Escorts Girls The reason why I am writing to you is because you have had several reports of our girls in this agency, which have to be paid because my girls are not a game with which you are only going to waste time so you decide How we solve this if we do it for good or for bad because if you do not pay the lost time
Received a second text from this number with the same threat as a previous number, you waisted one of my call girls time and now you need to pay or we will kill you and your family, they had my address, my name, etc not sure how...but maybe they used been verified :):) I already paid the first text guy $2500 but they want another $1000 so he said if anyone else contacts me ignore and tell hiim the number where it came from and he will notify him that I am already paying...scered the daylights out of me but now that I did the research it seems this has been a common scam going on for several years and there are not records of anyone getting killed...
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