Global Crossing
33002, 33010, 33011, 33012
Miami, FL
The phone number 786-515-9924 is located in or around Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL. This landline number is registered with Global Crossing. There have been 15 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 6 user comments, the latest received on February 26th, 2011 and it has never been marked as spam. This number has a current spam score of 60%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Commenta mi tambien de hecho me han amenazado con enviarme a sus abogados si no recojo el famoso premio
any # that comes across your cell, home, or work phone, is purely and simply, going to be a scam. PEOPLE! that's why they are called 'scams' one, and i repeat...... NO ONE..... is going to give you people "free money". think about it. if i were to tell you that i had $100 bill for you, but all you have to do to get it, is to give me $10, and then i will give you the $100 bill?? if this were a 'true deal', I would be the loser at this game. but unfortunately, for some people, they believe that after they send in the "fee" for their "grand money prize", the money will be sent to them. WAKE UP! ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!!
recibi una llamada diciendo that i won 1.000 and to claim that price i have to pay $129 but i dont know if is a scam or is real too si aqlguien sabe algo por favor comentenlo por favor.lo que me hace sospechar mas a mi es que me estan exijiendo los que me dicen q gane el premio es que hablan para q valla a recojer mi premio al correo y casi todos los dias q me hablan...algien sabe algo por favor reportenlo
sorry I wrote "Pure Life" but it actually is Narutal Life. Also, I think they are from Florida.
It is 11:04 a.m. Date:6/12/2010They just call me and said the same thing to me. $1,000.00 and $129.00. But they never ask for no credit card Inf. or any of my iformation, the only things they did was just read out to me my own address to check if it was correct. So, I'm not sure if they are a scam or not. Lests see if all is good.
they said to me that i won a 1,000 dollar coupon ,to claim a price i have to pay $129.00
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