Verizon Business
Dickinson, TX
The phone number 832-226-5301 is located in or around Houston, TX. This landline number is registered with Verizon Business. There have been 118 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 3 user comments, the latest received on June 21st, 2011 and it has never been marked as spam. This number has a current spam score of 30%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Commentthis is the Men's Wearhouse.
832-226-5301 has been calling me three to four times a day for the past three weeks. They don't leave a message so i don't know who it is.
This crap has been calling my phone several times a day along the las month. As a good crap and coward, doesn't show her name in the caller ID, neither leaves a message. Those ho hide their faces and names are cowards untrustworthy. I shall never answer their calls, nor as long they not show they face/name and their intentions to call me. I hope they crack their bussines by not paying their phone bills. Why they not call to their MOTHER, WIFE, SISTER, DUGHTER or GRANDMOTHER? Maybe they coul'd arrage a goody plan for tonight... and I could help them... mmm...mmmmmmm
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