Verizon Business
Knox, Blount
37721, 37901, 37902, 37909
Knoxville, TN
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Agree with iPhone user I stay roughly a week behind due to my pay schedule (bi-weekly) and they call me 6-8 times daily after I continuously tell them the situation and they confirm arrangements
***holes tryin to make a dollar for har***ing everyone
Every day I get a call asking for info on a neighbor. I know these people, but we are not close. I would never give out info on someone without their consent. I want these calls to stop. I'm sure if they try, they could locate them on their own.
21st Century Mortgage...harrassment calls when you are not even late on a payment..
Followup:If you're NOT a "customer"/member of this mortgage company, you have civil and legal recourse. They call me, looking for "neighbors" of mine, though I'm not a member/customer and have nothing to do with it or any neighbors and even if I do know these neighbors, I have no obligation to this company.1 - when they call, tell them, don't ask, to be placed on their DO NOT CALL list. Tell them you will not repeat yourself and for them not to call you again, and you are noting it and have recorded your call, whether you are or not, but do make a note for your own purposes, and ask for the caller's name and any other information like ID or caller number etc. If you feel it necessary, demand to speak to a Supervisor at 21st Mortgage - Sandy was the one available at this time in my situation. Do not let the caller give you the run around, they're just working the phones for a paycheck and are not who you are concerned with.2 - File a report with the Better Business Bureau, whether or not they have removed you, if they called you more than twice, and you are otherwise unrelated to their issues. If possible make sure to let them call a couple of times and let your answering machine pick up so you have a vocal recording of their call and schpiel about looking for neighbors.3 - If they call you again more than seven days after you have told them to remove your number from their call lists, call and/or email the Knoxville Teleserv Division of the Knoxville Police Department/Chief of Police, which deals with 'telecrimes" including phone and computer issues such as this, and explain your situation, that you have told them the company to remove your number and they have refused to do so, since you have gotten more calls over a week since you gave them their chance, and ask the police to contact the company, and since you have the time period already established, you CAN possibly file a police report for harassment if you want.4 - You can also file a consumer complaint for the company's behavior with the Knoxville Financial Commission, which controls licensing for companies that deal with finance, including banks and mortgage companies, and tell them you've files reports on the company with the BBB and Police Department. If this company gets enough of this kind of backlash, they may decide it is time to rethink their strategies.Note: The police cannot get involved in conflicts between 21st Mortgage and actual "customers" unless the treatment is obviously abusive, harassing, threatening or otherwise beyond the scope of what you find in most debt-collectors, because it is a civil legal and financial matter, BUT if they are calling any of your neighbors or relatives to find you, you can have THEM file reports about this behavior, similar to the above, especially if the company is giving out any information about you.
Calling me at 8:15am, too early even for telemarketers to legally call, claiming to be looking for neighbors. If this is true at all, they moved long ago, and you can't call people's neighbors. I've filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and I'm going to call the police in Knoxville TN where this call is coming from, and report it for harassment. The BBB has a 95% for these jokers. Ridiculous!
looking for someone they said was my neighbor.EVEN IF I DID KNOW WHO THET WHERE TALKING ABOUT I COULD NOT GIVE OUT INFORMATION ABOUT THAT PERSON UNLESS I HAD THEIR PERMISSION.This is ridiculous calling someone for that reason.How do I stop this crap???
a dude called me earlier today to tell me that we were on a list of family and friends of a couple named richard and ireen hobart and that ireen had died and richard was in a nursing home and for me to call some 1-800 phone number...i have never heard of the Hobart family and for my number to be on a list of their family and friends is very to find out that its a mortgage repo company is even more disturbing.
The company that calls from this number is named is 21st Mortgage Company, here is thier website. you notice, they are a repo/mortgage/insurance company for "manufactured housing". Thank goodness I have never owned, nor will ever own one. Someone gave a wrong number out somewhere. If you would like to contact them to stop calls see all the different contact info on thier website.
Was called and asked about a neighbor I have never heard of. I do not want any calls of this nature.
Trying to get me to pay for a house I don't own. Was never on the morgtage only the dead. And after the divorce my name was removed from that as well. House,land and everything in,on and around it was awarded to my ex wife.
They have ben calling me everyday saying they are trying to reach a neighbor; whom I do not know. I WANT THE CALLS TO STOP!!!!!!!
this number plus a couple of others...they must share their lists...everyday and no messages. we get a lot of 800 service calls,that's all it says on the caller id and they don't leave messages either.
I get a call from these people every day at my house. NO messages, nothing. I've called back 5 times and requested they stop harrasing me (mind you, I don't have an acct with them). they still call and my number doesn't get removed.
This is 21st mortgage company, specifically their repo division. They specialize in mobile hoome loans and repos. They will call and harass family members and neighbors on a daily basis. Real scum.
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