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Leave a CommentThe guy 'Justin' who commented above is a debt collector. He is trying to pretend that coolectors have serving powers, but they do not.
ITS ILLEGAL SCARE TACTICS used by debt collectors when THEY CANNOT PROVE the debt they are attempting to collect is VALID and OWED. they cannot threaten a lawsuit they have no intention of filing - they cannot claim a lawsuit has been filed when it has not. NO ONE IS GOING TO CALL AND WARN YOU about being served a summons. They do not want to EXPECT it otherwise you can avoid them. THE CORRECT WAY TO HANDLE COLLECTION CALLS AND ILLEGAL TACTICS HANDLE IT CORRECTLY AND THEY WILL END UP PAYING YOUREAD DEALING WITH DEBT COLLECTORS, RECORDING CALLS AND STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS BY STATEYou can also post your questions here NEW URL! These links are to attorneys for those being scammed or Collectors DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION! The INFORMED CONSUMER IS THE DEBT COLLECTORS WORST ENEMY!Dealing with Debt Collectors Http:// Statute of Limitations by State – always double check YOUR OWN STATE Government Website calls from Debt Collectors - always double check YOUR OWN STATE Government Website Federal Trade Commission Website – FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT Debt Collection FAQs: A Guide for ConsumersIf you’re behind in paying your bills, or a creditor’s records mistakenly make it appear that you are, a debt collector may be contacting you. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which prohibits debt collectors from using abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices to collect from you.Under the FDCPA, a debt collector is someone who regularly collects debts owed to others. This includes collection agencies, lawyers who collect debts on a regular basis, and companies that buy delinquent debts and then try to collect them.Here are some questions and answers about your rights under the Act.What types of debts are covered?The Act covers personal, family, and household debts, including money you owe on a personal credit card account, an auto loan, a medical bill, and your mortgage. The FDCPA doesn’t cover debts you incurred to run a business.Can a debt collector contact me any time or any place? No. A debt collector may not contact you at inconvenient times or places, such as before 8 in the morning or after 9 at night, unless you agree to it. And collectors may not contact you at work if they’re told (orally or in writing) that you’re not allowed to get calls there.How can I stop a debt collector from contacting me?If a collector contacts you about a debt, you may want to talk to them at least once to see if you can resolve the matter – even if you don’t think you owe the debt, can’t repay it immediately, or think that the collector is contacting you by mistake. If you decide after contacting the debt collector that you don’t want the collector to contact you again, tell the collector – in writing – to stop contacting you. Here’s how to do that:Make a copy of your letter. Send the original by certified mail, and pay for a “return receipt” so you’ll be able to document what the collector received. Once the collector receives your letter, they may not contact you again, with two exceptions: a collector can contact you to tell you there will be no further contact or to let you know that they or the creditor intend to take a specific action, like filing a lawsuit. Sending such a letter to a debt collector you owe money to does not get rid of the debt, but it should stop the contact. The creditor or the debt collector still can sue you to collect the debt. Can a debt collector contact anyone else about my debt?If an attorney is representing you about the debt, the debt collector must contact the attorney, rather than you. If you don’t have an attorney, a collector may contact other people – but only to find out your address, your home phone number, and where you work. Collectors usually are prohibited from contacting third parties more than once. Other than to obtain this location information about you, a debt collector generally is not permitted to discuss your debt with anyone other than you, your spouse, or your attorney.What does the debt collector have to tell me about the debt? Every collector must send you a written “validation notice” telling you how much money you owe within five days after they first contact you. This notice also must include the name of the creditor to whom you owe the money, and how to proceed if you don’t think you owe the money. Can a debt collector keep contacting me if I don’t think I owe any money? If you send the debt collector a letter stating that you don’t owe any or all of the money, or asking for verification of the debt, that collector must stop contacting you. You have to send that letter within 30 days after you receive the validation notice. But a collector can begin contacting you again if it sends you written verification of the debt, like a copy of a bill for the amount you owe.What practices are off limits for debt collectors?Harassment. Debt collectors may not harass, oppress, or abuse you or any third parties they contact. For example, they may not: use threats of violence or harm; publish a list of names of people who refuse to pay their debts (but they can give this information to the credit reporting companies); use obscene or profane language; or repeatedly use the phone to annoy someone. False statements. Debt collectors may not lie when they are trying to collect a debt. For example, they may not: falsely claim that they are attorneys or government representatives; falsely claim that you have committed a crime; falsely represent that they operate or work for a credit reporting company; misrepresent the amount you owe; indicate that papers they send you are legal forms if they aren’t; or indicate that papers they send to you aren’t legal forms if they are. Debt collectors also are prohibited from saying that: you will be arrested if you don’t pay your debt; they’ll seize, garnish, attach, or sell your property or wages unless they are permitted by law to take the action and intend to do so; or legal action will be taken against you, if doing so would be illegal or if they don’t intend to take the action. Debt collectors may not: give false credit information about you to anyone, including a credit reporting company; send you anything that looks like an official document from a court or government agency if it isn’t; or use a false company name. Unfair practices. Debt collectors may not engage in unfair practices when they try to collect a debt. For example, they may not: try to collect any interest, fee, or other charge on top of the amount you owe unless the contract that created your debt – or your state law – allows the charge; deposit a post-dated check early; take or threaten to take your property unless it can be done legally; or contact you by postcard. Can I control which debts my payments apply to? Yes. If a debt collector is trying to collect more than one debt from you, the collector must apply any payment you make to the debt you select. Equally important, a debt collector may not apply a payment to a debt you don’t think you owe.Can a debt collector garnish my bank account or my wages?If you don’t pay a debt, a creditor or its debt collector generally can sue you to collect. If they win, the court will enter a judgment against you. The judgment states the amount of money you owe, and allows the creditor or collector to get a garnishment order against you, directing a third party, like your bank, to turn over funds from your account to pay the debt. Wage garnishment happens when your employer withholds part of your compensation to pay your debts. Your wages usually can be garnished only as the result of a court order. Don’t ignore a lawsuit summons. If you do, you lose the opportunity to fight a wage garnishment.Can federal benefits be garnished?Many federal benefits are exempt from garnishment, including: Social Security Benefits Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits Veterans’ Benefits Civil Service and Federal Retirement and Disability Benefits Service Members’ Pay Military Annuities and Survivors’ Benefits Student Assistance Railroad Retirement Benefits Merchant Seamen Wages Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Death and Disability Benefits Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Benefits Compensation for Injury, Death, or Detention of Employees of U.S. Contractors Outside the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Disaster Assistance But federal benefits may be garnished under certain circumstances, including to pay delinquent taxes, alimony, child support, or student loans. Do I have any recourse if I think a debt collector has violated the law? You have the right to sue a collector in a state or federal court within one year from the date the law was violated. If you win, the judge can require the collector to pay you for any damages you can prove you suffered because of the illegal collection practices, like lost wages and medical bills. The judge can require the debt collector to pay you up to $1,000, even if you can’t prove that you suffered actual damages. You also can be reimbursed for your attorney’s fees and court costs. A group of people also may sue a debt collector as part of a class action lawsuit and recover money for damages up to $500,000, or one percent of the collector’s net worth, whichever amount is lower. Even if a debt collector violates the FDCPA in trying to collect a debt, the debt does not go away if you owe it.What should I do if a debt collector sues me?If a debt collector files a lawsuit against you to collect a debt, respond to the lawsuit, either personally or through your lawyer, by the date specified in the court papers to preserve your rights. Where do I report a debt collector for an alleged violation?Report any problems you have with a debt collector to your state Attorney General’s office ( and the Federal Trade Commission ( Many states have their own debt collection laws that are different from the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Your Attorney General’s office can help you determine your rights under your state’s law.For More InformationTo learn more about debt collection and other credit-related issues, visit and, the U.S. government’s portal to financial education.The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The FTC enters consumer complaints into the Consumer Sentinel Network, a secure online database and investigative tool used by hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad February 2009File complaints with Federal Trade Commission State Attorney General State Attorney General is every state they have offices Link to all State Attorney General Websites www.naag.orgIf you or they are located in NY – use this SPECIAL Link www.NYDebtHelp.comThis special website was created by NY AG Andrew Cuomo specifically for reporting illegal debt collection practices. HE’S CRACKING DOWN AND SHUTTING THEM DOWN! Also report your calls and contacts with debt collectors at If the company is listed under agencies – report there. If not on the list YET, click on Watchlist! and add to the list. You can also post here
This is a link all about these debt terrorists: ... vices-100099315
The above commnet was written by an employee of this loser company. Pretending to have been served. DO NOT BELIEVE IT!!!
Great for you but the bottom line is it is against the law to impersonate youself as a peson of the law. You are not allowed to threaten people with the fact that you are going to garnish their wages, take their home , etc...So if you have a beef with me spit it out. Show me documentation in full disclosure and we will disuss ..but do not expect me to give you my financial information. Dont' lie to me and tell me you are a litigation company for Capital One , when , when I checked Capital One is no longer trying to collect from me ..also dont' tell me you are going to garnish my wages..illegal in the state I am from unless u are the IRS or Childsupport,dont' tell me you are going to levy my husbands checking account either ..all of this is against the collection laws ..I had to tell them they couldn't garnish my wages Mr Hollier than now ..great you paid off you debt ..good for you..that is not my beef. Send it to me in writing ,who you are , what you want blah blah blah .but don't dare call my house and threaten me the way ..look up the statue of limitations ..if it is over that time that can't do you just probably paid some company who bought you debt from someone else your research
I received a call from a private number telling me the Sheriff's Dept would be coming by with a subpeona for a court date, they would attempt to serve twice & if i didn't show up for court a judgement would be levied against me any bank accounts or property I owned. They had already checked me out & I qualified to be sued. She said I needed to call 8665715190 & they could tell me more. I called this lady sounded very suspicious with her 3 options which needed to be handled now & gave me 3 hrs to thinl it over. Still thinking!!!!
I have also been dealing with these people. It sucks. Bottom line, I owe the money. I have a moral obligation to pay my debts. Forget about all the crap, I am able to settle with them and get this account off my credit report as a paid account. I decided to go ahead and handle it, my attorney told me the calls probably would not stop until the debt was satisfied. I sleep better knowing that I paid my debt and stopped looking for reasons to not pay. My morals are worth the amount I settled for.
you really did just get served. What is the statue of limitations in your state for credit card debt. Did you recieve any calls before hand.
just got served this morning.....GREAT!!!!!!!!! EFFIN A-HOLES
Don't even talk to these people. The only thing a policeman would do would be to serve you with papers, not arrest you or anything. They charge illegal amounts in interest so there is no way they want to go to court (if you owe them money in the first place).It is also illegal to contact someone else regarding someone else's debt.
I also got a call from this company "corporate offices". (private calls) A gentleman called my sister saying that he was from the sherrif department and were trying to serve me with a warrant/summons. he said i need to call 877-571-5190, so i did and i spoke a girl name Kelly Harris. she said their was a lawsuit against me for 4,000.00 for a capital one credit card i owed for 434.00. Outrages amount!!!! she then asked me since i hadnt been served yet, i was able to settle outside the court and said my total amount due was 1700.00. she said she would put all paperwork on hold for 2 hrs until i came up with the money and pay her. i flat out told her if i didnt have the money then to pay 400, what makes you think i can pay 1700 now. she then gave me options, she said that i could either pay 440.00 and do the rest in payments for 6months or pay 960.33 and she would forgive the remaining 800 dollars..STRAGE!! dont you think? she asked for my debit/credit card # and said she would not charge till i was ready but that i had to be by the end of this month and that was the only way that she could stop the lawsuit against me. i called her back to tell her i never received any later from them in the past 45 days like she had mentioned. i asked her if she could please email me or fax me some kind of paperwork, and she refused. i asked to speak to her supervisor and was told they dont have supervisors. she called me again a few hours later and left me a voice mail saying that if i dont call her back in the next 30 minutes a police officer would be going to me place of employment. this happened on wendsday, im still wainting to get served. she hasnt called me anymore since that day. please be very carefull and dont give out any personal information.
Don't answer and tell your family and friends to state that they are recording this call as it is not about them and thus illegal.If this company wanted to collect an old debt then they should not do it via your family/friends and via threats.Just tell them go ahead with the summons, they CANNOT garnish your wages and no-one will put you in jail for 10 years.If you want to settle the debt and you agree with it then make sure you document everything and get written confirmation of everything you do with them or no money for them.It also could be a scam if you have no debt, get it all in writing first, take it to a lawyer to get checked out.
I also got a call from this company. They called friends and family members telling them that they were the sheriff's dept and that I had a warrant and they needed to locate me! I freaked out and called the sheriff's dept and they had no idea what was going on. I then called the clerk of courts and they checked my ssn# and told me there was no warrant and no summons or cases filed against me. They also didn't know who was calling. Finally, a lady called my mom telling her that she was with the sheriff and they were trying to serve me w/ a summons and I had 3 hours to respond. I called 877-571-5190 and they said it was the corporate office of City Investment Services. I asked what it was regarding and they said it was a capital one credit card from 2004 and they were suing me for almost $6,000.00 for a card that I owed about $500 on. When I asked what sheriff's dept was trying to serve me she admitted that nothing had been filed yet and that she wouldn't know what dept would serve me until the papers go out? She said she would put a "stay" on the summons for 4 days so I could try to come up with $2,756 to "settle" the debt. She said she mailed me a letter 45 days ago and asked why I didn't respond. I told her I never received a letter. She also had my address and current phn# so why did they contact friends and family and not me directly? I told her that I am currently laid off and have no income or bank acct and she told me they would file a 10 year judgement against me and take my tax returns and garnish my husband's wages because Ohio is a "community property" state.....Don't know what will happen yet.
Well I got a call from this number and they said the same thing, it just sounded like some scam. My only issue is that this morning I was served a court summons by the Harris Co. Sheriff's Dept. I am being sued for a credit card that I opened back in 03', and when losing my job I couldn't afford to keep paying for it. So just because some idiot post something on the internet doesn't make it true. I told those A$$ holes to PI$$ off, now I have a court date. THANKS!
I received the same call. The woman stated she was from the "city" and they were going to serve a summons and wanted to verify my information also that I could call this number 877-571-5190 and find out what the papers were about and she would hold off for three hours while I did that, and they would give me the number to call her back?Well obviously this company answers the phone as "corporate offices" they are calling you and scaring you with a lawsuit and getting you to call them back. This debt is from 2003 and the statute for collection has run they are violating so many collection laws it is crazy!! Call the FTC Hotline and report them @ 877-382-4357 also call you state Attorney General office. As soon as possible you can verify if they have or have not actually filed any kind of suit...I suspect they have not and it is illegal for them to trick you into calling them and once you inform them that the statute has run they cannot sue you.Clark Howard also has a hotline on his website @
got a call from a private number stating they were the sheriff's department and were going to serve papers told me to call this number. I called and they said they were calling about a debt from 2003, and they were going to sue me for $6,000. That they had mail me a letter 45 days ago that I have not received and wanted me to fax them information about this old debt but would not send me any verification, said supervisor Sarah Miller would call after paperwork was received. Be careful!!!!
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