Neutral Tandem
Shelby, Fayette
38017, 38027, 38066, 38076
Collierville, TN
The phone number 901-446-2334 is located in or around Memphis, TN. This landline number is registered with Neutral Tandem. There have been 743 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 11 user comments, the latest received on June 20th, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 8 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Comment$500+ purchase from Apple store and an invalid link to dispute charge
They spammed me get this number blocked.
They tried to call 4 times and left no answer
I'm unfamiliar with the number or something like that
Hey, hope all is well! Do you have a second?
Nothing was said
My name is Collin and I know this message is a little out the blue. I'm looking to buy a few more properties in the area and wanted to see if you'd consider selling your property as is??
Just my name
Just like the other comments they said,“hello (first name)” and the following day text “ I am looking for (full name). Is this the correct number?”
Received a text "Hi [Name]" with no other message. Second text the following day says they are trying to reach [First and Last Name] and asking if it's the correct number. This person has not identified who they are.
I received a random text from this number with Hi, Jerry. That's all. Jerry is my husband, and often uses my phone number as his emergency contact. I wondered if this was a phishing attemt.
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