Airus Inc
Tulsa, Osage, Rogers
74101, 74102, 74103, 74104
Tulsa, OK
The phone number 918-714-1828 is located in or around Tulsa, OK. This landline number is registered with Airus Inc. There have been 1381 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 24 user comments, the latest received on May 18th, 2023 and it has been marked as spam 21 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a Comment****o! Good Afternoon . How was your day ?????
We haven't contact for a long time, How are you doing ?
Looking for her friend Rose. Apologized for contacting me. I said I hope she found her friend and she asked my name and age
****o, we haven't seen each other for a while, how are you doing?
****o! Good Morning. Did you sleep well at night ????
****o! How was your day going? Are you okay?
“****o! Good morning. Did you sleep well at night?????”
****o! Good afternoon. Did you finish your lunch?
is this real if so yes I remember you AnnA this can't be real is it
****o! Good morning. How are you today ?????
Long time talking to you
“****o! Good Afternoon . How was your day ????”
“****o! Good Afternoon . How was your day ????”
****o there, Good Afternoon. How are you doing today?
"****o! How was your day?"
****o! Good morning. It's been a long time, how have you been? Hey, It's me Aurora . Is this Justin's number ? Oh really , I may have entered to wrong number I hope to not upset me , sorry
"when will you be back, my friend?"
****o! Good morning. It's been a long time, how have you been?
****o! How is your evening ?
“****o! I’m Iris . How is your today ?”
“****o! I'm Iris Do you still remember me ?”
****o! how are you ? I miss you Anna
****o! how are you? I miss you Anna
It texted me been a long time how are you and I was like huh?? So I looked it up on here
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