Los Angeles
90007, 90015, 90021, 90079
Los Angeles: DA, CA
The phone number 213-799-1599 is located in or around Los Angeles, CA. This landline number is registered with Onvoy. There have been 895 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 14 user comments, the latest received on June 21st, 2024 and it has been marked as spam 12 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentNothing they just stayed on the line and then hung up.
Asking if I received a do***ent.
I want to buy a house, Did you get my last text
1st text: "I'm looking for my next house to buy. Can you help me?" 2nd text: "Did you get my last text?"
Hi (name), I’m Tanner. Looking to buy my next new home. Can you help me? Call back no answer- then I’ll call you back. It’s likely a computer call/robo
That they wanted to buy a house.
Answer, no one was there
Third call this week to my Los Angeles police department issued phone. The caller hangs up after about 5 seconds of silence.
Car decal for Redline energy drink
No Immediate answer so I hang up they have called over and over the last few days
Keeps calling. 4 times today. I do not answer
Called multiple time in the span of an hour. When I finally picked up they wanted me to go to my computer and get to a form to get a reimbursement. Told them I was not by a computer and they wanted me to give them a better time to call
A one-ringer is a dead giveaway that this is a robo call.
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