Verizon Business
89002, 89004, 89005, 89006
Las Vegas, NV
The phone number 702-670-4861 is located in or around Las Vegas, NV. This landline number is registered with Verizon Business. There have been 1385 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 12 user comments, the latest received on October 14th, 2022 and it has been marked as spam 12 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentSaid if my husband didn't call this number and give the reference number that they would issue a failure to appear after an hour and they were going to serve legal do***ents
Phone call was from unknown, but the woman I spoke to was trying to reach my dad. She repeated the whole failure to appear if he doesn’t call within an hour BS and left me with this number for him to call along with a “case number”.
I had a text this morning from this number, it said : "****o"
processor calling in regards to a fax that I received my office I'm placing you on schedule to be served at your place of employment for Friday, October 14 if you have any further questions regarding your do***ents or if you need to reschedule your service date you can contact the point office directly at 702-670-4161. I've been notified…”
That I was going to miss a court hearing and needed to call back in order to take care of the matter they had on record.
Said I am being summoned and need to respond within 1 hour or a failure to appear in court would be issues lol. Also, the law firm that is suing me is located on the other side of the country from me. Hope they find the people behind this scam.
They told me I’m being sued for a credit card I never had for $12,000 and they couldn’t summon me. Absolute lies!
Called looking for a relative, said they sent documents for pending action, to respond by next week and call 866-476-0809 with a reference number
Said they were going to file in my county. Gave me a reference number. I don’t see anything on my credit report on this. I see the lawyer’s office is based in Kansas but they called from a Las Vegas Nevada number. Seems suspicious
civil complaint
****ing lying piecs of **** scamming people and using fake tactics to trick people into giving them money !!
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