95630, 95662, 95670, 95742
Folsom, CA
The phone number 916-467-8202 is located in or around Sacramento, CA. This landline number is registered with There have been 759 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 15 user comments, the latest received on December 12th, 2023 and it has been marked as spam 13 times. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentPastor Chris Carmack needs me to cash check via atm or mobile then send deposit proof for approval. Scam of course this check is from trinton construction with td bank as the bank. Scam scam scam..... Turning check over to FBI
Received check and put in bank, 3 days latter check came back no good!!! Glad I didn’t spend any money.
I'm Chris Carmack from Michigan, and I'm 55 years old and a businessman. However, my pastor spoke to us on Sunday about helping the needy, and it really touched me, so that's why I'm here to help others for a little bit out of what I have. I'm texting you to see if you need some money to payoff bills or do some other things. Please reply to me on (6083877161) and I will be happy to ***ist you.
Said his names Chris Carmack and his preacher touched him with a sermon or something to that effect and he wanted to help me with a need etc etc and then said he'd send out asap and call me with tracking. He then waited a week or so then called and then came the ever so famous-but my mama, grandma, baby mama's
giving money to needy Christians.
Same message as everyone else. Some 55 year old businessman and his pastor "giving money to the less fortunate." Seems to be a group, with two others and gives a complete different number to reply? Strange.
looking to send money to the needy
what your full name, home address for the mailing of the funds and your bank name to know the bank you're using that's all, So that i can get back to you with the tracking number# so we can approve it for deposit & authorization Ok ??
They wanted my address to send me money
The text said.. ****o how are you doing? ,I'm Chris Carmack from Michigan and I'm 55 years old and I'm a Business man but my pastor preached to us on Sunday about helping the needy, and it really touched, so that's why I'm here to help other for a little out of what I have, I'm texting you to see if you need some money to payoff bills or do some other things kindly reply back to me on
Hi ,I'm Chris Carmack from Michigan and I'm 55 years old and I'm a Business man but my pastor preached to us on Sunday about helping the needy, and it really touched, so that's why I'm here to help other for a little out of what I have, So need some money to payoff bills or do some other things kindly reply me back on (9164678202) I will be glad to help you out thanks......The lord is good!!!
Said his name was Chris Carmack 55 years old and his pastor wanted him to help the less fortunate.
He said I'm Chris Carmack I'm 55 years old and I'm a business man from Michigan He says his pastor preached on Sunday about helping the needy and it really touched him He offers to help with your bills or something. His phone number is 916-467-8202 I looked up the # it's a California phone #
I'm Chris Carmack from California and I'm 65 years old and I'm a Business man but my pastor preached to us last week Sunday about helping the needy, and it really touched, so that's why I'm here to help other for a little out of what I have, I'm texting you to see if you need some help to payoff bills or do some other things kindly reply me back on (9164678202) I will be glad to help you out
I got a text from a Chris to text this number to David Cruz from a BJ SERVICES LLC.
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