tw telecom
Los Angeles
ZIP code
90004, 90006, 90007, 90009
Los Angeles: DA, CA
Comments for 213-537-XXXX
Anonymous Scammed selling drugs out of L.A.
Karla Bechtel Crypto scammer
Looking for another person.
Anonymous She/ He/AI has asked for alot of money from my husband
Karla Bechtel She/he has asked my husband for a lot of money
Long time no see, how are you doing?
Anonymous Don't know who's number this
Jessica Will text from different number then claim this is private number Then wants to communicate ( text ) using Skype
It was japanese
Left text message asking how I was doing
Dennis Using this number to communicate on dating sites. Part of dating scam.
I'm going to San Francisco next Wednesday do you have any quality restaurants you can recommend?
What do I do for work?
What do you do?
How are you.
Text said ****o
Hi. What are you doing
fake rental
Larkan Eduardo on intagram
A friend inviting me to a birthday party
I’m a hairstylist and they messaged me saying they were in need of a hairstylist and needed my email to send more info. I did not respond
Anonymous This person said they are giving away yorkie puppies with a rehoming fee. They want me to.put down a deposit but won't let me see the puppy till I come up with the full amount. The number I had been verified look up as no.information only that the number is from LA California. I think it could be a scam.
Is this Steve Johnson the tennis coach?
I owe $150 for shipping that is refundable at time of package drop off. If I didn't pay $150 my package would be given to the "authorities".
They were selling a iPhone on offer up for really cheap
Anonymolike to know if number can be crack to middle east Who is this number belong to I been chatting with this person I just like to know if it coming from the middle east.?
Melinda The user claims to be from Singapore it living in Los Angeles and managing her own salon. Initially she said she called the wrong number. She used a photo of an attractive Asian woman.
Cashapp thief
Anonymous Looking for Daniel
The text said I hear you have information about a missing person. I will pay you if you are interested.
I'm Diana Yang. Have you seen the recent news?
Romantic scam asking for credit cards numbers and credit ratings. Preys on women.
Romantic scam asking for credit cards numbers and credit ratings. Preys on women.
girl texted me and said she was in NY and from Taiwan. asking a lot of questions. originally texted me by mistake looking for.Phil Davis.
What happened and why didn't you come.
text message hi
getting my money back from Bitcoin through Exsson
Recieved a text message reading “Natalie, I recently found this amazing Italian restaurant. Why don’t we try it sometime?”
Scammer.... romance scam
Scammer.... romance scam
This phone number was used by a romance scammer.
This number is associated with ongoing harassment to my family. The individual has a record in Indiana for stalking and intimidation.
Called me babe
Rehoming chihuahua puppys
Claims to be playboy model and is pumping older men for money
This number is used by a scammer named Franklin Werner. Please delete this number
Alot of different things
This is a scammer Trying to sell marijuana over state lines. Mini aliases Jordan Smith is one of them 30-year-old female
Claims that a friend gave him my number
Military person
Strange call
Scam phone for dogs for sale.......
Suspect scammers using these numbers
Wanted my number
Case involved none return of funds from c-19 cancellation of flight. refused to return money.
Bobby This person is trying to catfish folks, person goes by Clara
Tcast communications inc
Will not stop
guest8 A person from one of these compaines just did this same thing to me, and when I told him I had no one here he could talk to he threatened me and said, "I'm calling the cops, your company is f*&%ed! Its 10am, (Its was noon btw), why is everyone at lunch? Your company is a bunch of f*&%ing a%&holes!" I am at work. My question is this, how can you speak to someone like that while they are working, and expect to ever get through to anyone? How is that legal? Just an FYI to the dude who called here...You and everyone within your company are dirtbags. P.S. If I had caller ID at work, I would have called them back ASAP. Does anyone know how to call back a number that just called you without caller ID?
Printer Toner Scam
StopCallingMe This call is supposedly from Blue Cross & Blue Shield. They left me a message and you could barely understand what they were saying. I am very suspicious and don't think it is Blue Cross & Blue Shield.
ECG Someone calls from a busy call center in background, before he says anything he demands to know your name. If you don't cooperate or hang up on him he calls back and/or leaves threatening messages. Says his name is Tom Diamond but gives no reason for call or what company he's with. Also gives different call back number than the number on screen.
Bill another case of hanging up when anwered
MS Office Manager There are some people that call about our copier, wanting us to order supplies, take over warranty, etc etc. They say they work for "customer service," but when you ask them for what company, they normally hang up on you. When you dial *69, the number can not be found. So this guy calls, they pass the call to me, normal sales pitch, needs information on the copier, blah blah blah.I ask "what company do you work for?" He says "What do you mean?""What's the name of the company that you work for?""Your boss.""What's my boss's name?""Your mother, b***h"and then he hangs up on me! What wonderful customer service we have these days!!
K-Mac These people call me about once per quarter and always hang up when I question where they're calling from, until today. Today, I asked the guy to please remove us from their calling list. He said I sounded cute and asked for my number. PIG! I told him he was rude, unprofessional and to remove our number now. >:-(I think he said he was calling from ICF?? This maybe?? http://www.icfprintsolutions.com/
AC I got a call from this comapany saying that they were calling for my model number as well. They call about once a week. The last time they phoned the nasty woman called me everyname in the book and hung up on me. I hope at some point these jerks are prosecuted to the full extent. I have found elsewhere that they get your model and start sending you toners and billing you for it; which is ridiculous since people with major copiers get their toner included with their service contracts! I am so angry but mine comes up unknown number.
ms1892 Anyone? This has been happening to me too. Its very bizarre. As someone above has mentioned, its either Algeria or South Central LA. I dont know what is more disconcerting, an Al Qaida operative calling more, or a gangster from Compton.Help!
sara I have been getting calls all morning. Starting at 6a.m. They asked for Jeff Neil and then called back and asked for a women. I have asked them to stop each time they call...
Unknown Keep getting calls from this number saying that I better call back or have my appointed attorney call. It's a foreign person who is hard to understand and is threatening. He said I better call back or suffer what will happen next. Fraud!!!!! This is absolutely fraud! I have called the number back and nothing. No company name or information.
Sue Scam calls trying to get printer / copier model numbers.
frustrated Keep calling to work and I have repeatedly asked them to stop.They said they would keep calling back.What do I do? I can't keep getting this calls at work.
Office Manager We get calls from these people all the time and when I tell them if they are from customer service for our machine they usually hang up on me. But today the very nasty man told me to "Shut up stupid" and hung up on me. Of course you can not call the number back.
seriously?!? Got the same call just now, and usually do a few times a year. They say that they are our toner supplier and they need the model number off of our copier....hmmmm....if they are our toner supplier, woudn't they already have that information on file? I'm glad, myself, and everyone listed here is too smart to fall for an obvious scam....You definitely have to be on your toes when answering the phone, even at home, someone's always going to try to pull a fast one if they can....sad.
Lauri They called me leaving a threatening voicemail on my phone! Something to the extent of watching my every move and me having to watch my back!! Very unsettling and makes me wonder how secure we really are!
Tired O'these Calls Got a call from "Sabare" from "your copier service provider". She said they're updating "the manual" for "the photocopier", and asked what kind of copier we use. I said, "If you're calling to update 'the manual' for 'the copier', then wouldn't it follow logically that you would already know what kind it is?" She got really ticked and said, "Wouldn't it follow logically that I'm sleeping with your husband?", and hung up. I didn't have the chance to tell her that must be a very gruesome experience for her, seeing that my husband has been dead for 8 years! These people are rude, unprofessional LOOSERS, just like "Company" said above. Sheesh!
anonymous dude called and said he was from "customer service" for the photo copier and he needs our model number of the printer. i told him e3632, he asked if there were any words on the copier. i laughed and told him theres a TON of words on the copier, and what he was REALLY calling for. he placed me on hold, didnt come back after 30 seconds, which gave me time to google the number and end up here! :) love this forum!
pie Picked up and they said they were calling for a quick survey - they knew my name!I asked how they got my number and they said it was from an internet site. I said i was part of the TPS and they immediately hung up.
amanda138a anyone any clues? I am being called up to 3 times a day for the last three days 2135371000 its driving me nuts
mab Have had several calls from that number over the last 2 weeks or so.As soon as I take the call, they hang up.The odd thing is that the number has varying numbers of '0' on the front, according to the CLI of my Panasonic cordless handset:02135371000000213537100000213537100000002135371000
Joanna Had several missed calls from this number over the last week- also when I have answered they have hung up. They are calling me from LA to the UK. Can I just ask the other UK posters here if anybody who has received these calls actually knows anybody in LA where they might have gotten your number from? I do know somebody in Cali but not in LA- although I have a theory as to what might be happening.
Tarian Around 3:30pm UK time I missed a call from 00 213 537 1000.No message.Either this is Algeria - country code 213or "Downtown" Los Angeles area code 213This is the first time an overseas number has shown up on 1471.
muriel I have been called by this number several times a day recently - no one speaks. I have called the number back - no-one speaks and I don't know if I have been charged for the call. April 2010
Mark Had 2 of these calls in last few weeks - both times they hang up on me.
Tampa I wish these people would stop calling me - they ask for my copier information and you ask who is calling, then they hang up.
Said his name was James Taylor! Just got a call and when i started questioning the call he said that I should get a life and quit playing on the phone. Kinda what i was thinking about him! Oh well.. Watch out!
Tampa These people say they're from "Customer Service" and that they need to verify our copier information. When I asked her to tell me the name of her company, she hung up on me. When you call the number back, fast busy signal.
Regular Joe I've been called by this number a few times. They are always polite and ask for the make and model number of my copier so that they can quote me prices on copier toner. When I tell them I'm not interested they say thanks anyway.
Person called and acted like they were our vendor for the copier, we are the vendor! When I questioned her; she became very rude!