Hennepin, Wright, Ramsey
55005, 55011, 55013, 55014
Twin Cities, MN
The phone number 952-993-1111 is located in or around Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. This landline number is registered with CenturyLink. There have been 914 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 14 user comments, the latest received on February 2nd, 2015 and it has never been marked as spam. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
User Comments
Leave a CommentIt's Park Nicollet Clinic. Not a spammer.
TO: maria please call me back IAM INTRESTING POSITION U HAVE
and I was home alone.
Park Nicollet Clinic, Burnsville, MN was calling me from the appointment line.
Park Nicollet and Methodist Hospital they do a very poor job of handling outgoing calls. I mean, with the number of 952-993-1111, they are unable to trace which branch called you. And they don't even leave you a voicemail. It's just a poor job. I mean, they make millions of dollars each year, just use some sort of that money to get different phone lines so we can know who's calling. I don't know if I have somebody in the emergency room that needs me or not. This is unexceptable of Park Nicollet. So all I gotta say is that Methodist Hospital sucks, that's why everybody is going to HCMC or North Memorial. Poor Job Park Nicollet/Methodist!!!
who call me
who call me on Feb 2th,2009
Yep - I just got called confirming an apartment for some name I can pronounce.
Park Nicollet Clinic called me from this number to confirm my upcoming appointment at the Burnsville, MN location. It was a real person on the voicemail, not an automated message.
Park Nicollet Clinic called me from this number to confirm my upcoming appointment at the Burnsville, MN location. I was a real person on the voicemail, not an automated message.
Park Nicollet Clinic called me from this number to confirm my upcoming appointment at the Burnsville, MN location. It was a real person on the voicemail, not an automated message.
It's Methodist Hospital in St.Louis Park. Someone from there in any given area of the hospital has called you, patient or employee. It's Methodist's generic phone number that displays for their protection. Allina Hospitals & clinics have the same set up. It's very common for big companies to do this.
Park Nicollet health services, call it, it is a recording. are you expecting an appt?
Nobody says anything when I answer.
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